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YANG DESIGN及羊舍创始人杨明洁先生,作为本届「CMF趋势LAB」主策展人及「数字后人类实验室」单元策展人,在阐释中提到:在数字文明时代,数字化的本质与终极目标是:在数字虚拟世界中建立对于物理真实世界的完全仿真,然后通过虚拟数字世界与真实物理世界的实时互动,最大限度的提高效率,降低成本。这一数字化的过程将不断持续,对于人类的影响与改变远比以往任何一次技术革命都要来的更为深刻与长远。







Mr. Yang Mingjie, the founder of YANG DESIGN and Sheep House, as the main curator of this CMF Trend LAB and the curator of the unit of "Digital Post-Human Lab", mentioned in the explanation that in the era of digital civilization, the essence and ultimate goal of digitalization is to establish a complete simulation of the physical real world in the digital virtual world, and then through the real-time interaction between the virtual digital world and the real physical world, to maximize efficiency and reduce costs. This digital process will continue, and its influence and change on human beings will be far more profound and long-term than any previous

technological revolution.


The real world is characterized by:

Nature, truth, emotion and randomness.

The virtual world is characterized by:

Artificial, virtual, efficient and accurate. ​

Standing between the physical real world and the digital virtual world, we are always looking for the meaning of existence. What are we anxious and eager for? Human beings should be alienated into things, controlled by efficient and accurate algorithms, accelerated indefinitely, and spend their lives in endless pursuit? Or hold a critical attitude in the face of technological progress, slow down, return to humanity, and create a more friendly rather than antagonistic relationship between people, people and things, and people and the environment. ​







Mr. Xu Gang, the local creative design director and founder, as the curator of the unit "CMF Trend LAB· Unbalanced Sense Laboratory", in his view, our urban life seems to be out of touch with the natural world,and whether we like it or not, human  beings

are a part of its system. Biophile design based on the concept of "love for life" and "living things" will become an important direction of sustainable design in the future.


All crafts and all cultures are treated with a pure attitude, and there is no comparison of any conditions. Material is "taking" from the world. After asking for it, you should use it carefully and cherish it. Local creation integrates design with traditional culture, and uses brand-new technology to transform traditional materials into products, household items, and even cross-border applications of electronic products. In addition to the pursuit of aesthetic feeling, every project is a response to the changing lifestyle and sustainable development.






主题展区现场将带来五大特色系列:利用回收纸做成纸浆并使用蓝草染色,最终形成独特肌理的纸岩系列;结合渐层银釉和特殊质感的氧化银釉系列;采用轻型环保树脂玻璃的设计,融Art Deco风格与东方气质于一体的竹林七贤系列;将陶瓷镶器和绞胎传统技法进行新融合的Layer Glazing系列;利用不锈钢、亚克力打破被常识界定的定义与固有偏见的公私合用系列,将工业构件等大规模生产工业代谢品重新激活,展示材料空间应用的新形态。

Ms. Gu Qing, founder of QingStudio, a senior media person and curator of CMF Trend LAB·, my family-oriented laboratory, observed that nowadays more and more young people love traditional craft design, but this is not blindly following the trend on a whim, but the cultural identity of appreciate each other. The various "possibilities" created in generate by the integration of traditional crafts, science and technology, crafts and design in the exhibition have inspired more designers and audiences to create more works combining traditional handicrafts with design, thus helping the traditional crafts to "counter-attack".


The theme exhibition area will bring five characteristic series: making paper pulp from recycled paper and dyeing it with bluegrass, and finally forming a paper-rock series with unique texture; A series of silver oxide glazes that combine graded silver glazes with special texture; Bamboo Forest Seven Sages Series, which is designed with light environmental protection plexiglass and combines Art Deco style with oriental temperament; Layer Glazing series, a new fusion of ceramic inserts and traditional techniques of strangulation; Using stainless steel and acrylic to break the public-private combination series defined by common sense and inherent prejudice, the mass-produced industrial metabolites, such as industrial components, will be reactivated, and a new form of material space application will be displayed.